NYC Week 2: Settling In

NYC Week 2: Settling In

We took many strides toward settling in this week. Part of it is keeping in motion, but part of it is the hope that by finding something solid here we will allow realize we are actually staying here.


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First stop Saturday morning is the salon! Lillian, Oly and I all get haircuts! They but Oly’s shorter than I wanted and didn’t take enough off of Lillian’s, but it’s all a massive improvement. Lillian loved the pampering. Oly was “a bit worried,” but he was calm and brave.  




Because Saturday is the day Swedish kids get candy, Stefan takes the kids down to the Swedish candy store in Nolita. It takes hours, but all three of them are super happy (and hyped on sugar). My mom and I are were going to an Art Show in Brooklyn, but the trains are so miserable that we end up riding the subway for over an hour before getting off and shopping for the day. I think my mom always wanted to do the shopping instead anyway.


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On Sunday we go out to New Jersey to spend time with close friends, the Besers. Lillian has been planning this dinner date with Jake for weeks! All the kids play beautifully together, and us adults get to have great conversation over a delicious dinner. It’s a wonderful night, and I really wish we lived closer to them so we could do this all the time.


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The kids seem super happy at grandma’s house, even though they are sleeping on the floor next to our bed. It’s a great short-term solution, and they just appreciate being all together.

Oly tries a new art class on Monday that is super impressive. They learn about Andy Warhol then make their own art inspired by his work. He absolutely loves it. He makes sure we put his artwork on the refrigerator when we get home. So cute!


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Stefan and I go out with some friends this week. It’s awesome to have mom here to babysit, and we are taking advantage. We go to one of our favorite spots, Birreria on the roof of Eataly. The weather is amazing, so the roof is open. We enjoy aperol spritzes–the last for this year. Then our friend Kenneth meets us for dinner. It’s so nice to spend time with a good friend. After dinner we go to a pub quiz night with other friends who just moved to NYC from Stockholm. It’s nice to not feel alone.


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We look at lots of apartments this week, and even find one we want to put an offer on. Super exciting.

Stefan and I work from many different spots in the city, including the main NY Public Library reading room. It’s incredible. Then we try The Yard, a cool co-working space that I think I’d want to join when I’m working full-time. I could even walk from our new apartment! Finding a potential home and work space make it easier to imagine our lives here. I like it.




We also have some good quality time this week, including watching the new movie, Finding Dorie! I’m loving all the family time…and the amazing weather we’re enjoying. It’s a good welcome to New York.

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