Day 32: Playful Toulouse

Day 32: Playful Toulouse

Today we want to take it easier than we did yesterday, when we walked the entire city and saw everything. We have no plan which quickly lends itself to a lazy morning.


The kids take a long shower in the morning, where Lillian makes food for Oly’s birthday. We let them stay in there for a long time because they are having so much fun. Then they play for a long time, naked. There aren’t too many pictures of this morning for obvious reasons, but I had to include a few.


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As I workout with a pilates video, both kids join in. It makes the workout so much more fun for me because they are adorable!

Then the kids play “beach.” They are playing well together this morning, and I love overhearing their imaginative play.




When we finally leave the house, around noon, we walk toward the main city center, taking a different route from yesterday’s. Douglas, Lillian’s lovey, joins us by accident, but I think he enjoys the adventure.


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We have fun meandering the streets, with no plan in mind. The only thing we must do is revisit the boat playground because that time was cut short yesterday. On our way, we find a very cool beer shop. We grab a couple to try later.




We walk by another beautiful church. This one has an incredible statue behind the altar with a light shining down from heaven.


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It’s lunch time, but we just pick up a baguette sandwich to share on the walk because we aren’t ready to stop yet. We walk down windy streets until we reach the great shopping neighborhood from yesterday. It’s quiet as everything is closed for the afternoon. We realize we should all take a restroom break before the park this time, so we stop for a beer (and apple juice) at Le Detaillant. They make super good sandwiches with our selection of meats and cheeses. So good and reasonably priced.




We make it to the playground, where the kids get as much time as they want. They are a lot of fun, wanting me to hold their hand as they climb, balance and slide.




When we’re all played out, we grab an Uber home. Yes, we can be fancy sometimes. After yesterday, we know we need help getting him in time for dinner.




Stefan and I get to do a little work while the kids play on their iPads. I’m feeling less guilty for their iPad time now that we’ve removed videos and filled them with educational apps (faves are Speakaboos and Homer). We also FaceTime some family members. The kids are chatty. I think the calm morning time followed by a lot of playground time that makes them so cheerful and easy this evening.




We finish the day watching the Euro2016 semi-final match between France and Germany. As France scores, we hear the intense cheers of neighbors through the window. It’s a nice calm end to a beautiful day.

1 Comment
  • Christer says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but the pictures get better by the day. Not sure how you’re going to keep that up? The Best Picture goes to “Bathroom emergency”. My other deep observation is how you, all of you, are settling in to some kind of on-the-road rhythm. Not routine, rhythm.

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