Day 3: Sweet Lubeck

Day 3: Sweet Lubeck

This is our last full day in Lubeck and we want to explore some more. We woke up to a brisk day–quite a change from the past week or so. With light jackets on, we set out for the playground we found yesterday.


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We stayed for over an hour this time, and I’m certain the kids could have played even more. The quiche and cake we had with coffee was incredible. Highly recommend!


//Stefan Note: Almost as good as allie used to make in Arild, sour berries and dough



//Stefan Note : Looking good Stefan




We set out to explore a different area of the island today. We walked all around and found a bakery I’d passed on my run this morning. The woman was helpful in picking out the most popular, classic pastries. They were very good. We walked over to an adorable walking street and made our way across the island. The kids started to tire a little over an hour. They were riding their scooters, otherwise they may not have lasted that long. Thank goodness for those scooters.




We went past a cool fish market that had a wide selection of smoked fish as well as herring. Lillian was so excited. We stopped so she could have a small plate of herring. Two different kinds, and the plate cost under $2. Awesome. And the woman behind the counter gave each kid an oyster shell. When you removed the rubber band and opened it up, there was a small piece of wrapped candy inside! Our experience in Lubeck has been that people are incredibly nice and shopkeepers go out of their way to befriend children. It’s really nice.


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We walked more and stopped at a cool coffee shop when the kids got tired. I had a coffee while stefan had one of the best G&Ts of his life. The staff were very helpful and nice. The kids sat on a bench, both inside and outside. They played with Oly’s cars and some flashcards I brought along (find what’s the same and what’s different). It was perfect.


It's not all rainbows and puppy dogs. These kids got tired now and again.
It’s not all rainbows and puppy dogs. These kids got tired now and again.

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We walked  a lot this day. I am very impressed with the kiddos.


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We went to the marzipan museum which isn’t really much of a museum. It’s a small room with some lame explanations of marzipan that my kids had zero patience for. So we walked in, walked out and went to the cafe! The cafe on the 2nd or 3rd floor is super nice, with big windows overlooking the bustling street below. The kids tried marzipan ice cream, which they didn’t like as much as the strawberry (erdbeer in German). Stefan had a fancy layered cake with marzipan and a coffee. I had a hot chocolate made with marzipan. Yum!

So we basically just ate loads of sweets today. It was a fun way to tour the city, though.


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We went home and picked up Oliver, who we planned to take to dinner with us tonight. What a treat for him to get to join us! We walked along the water to go by the car because the kids earned their first piece of treasure from the treasure chest! We have a system where they can earn up to 3 stars a day. 5 stars = treasure. They had earned it the day before, but I’d left the treasure box in the car. We will need to be more immediate with rewarding them in the future. But in this case, they were super excited to finally get to reach into the treasure box abounding with over 60 pieces of treasure.




Dinner was at Brauberger, a brewery that has been in business since 1225. The service, food and beer were all very good. A perfect ending to another perfect day.


  • Christer says:

    I’m up to date. Great blog and pictures. Please keep it up. Stefan may have to do some serious running.

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