Day 43: Easy Montpellier

Day 43: Easy Montpellier

Now this is vacation. Quiet playful hours in the apartment. Comfortable breakfast from the local bakery. We feel a pull to get out and make the most of our visit to Montpellier, but we are so comfortable finally having a home! Luckily every museum or attraction we want to visit is closed today, Monday. It’s a bummer, but it allows us to be lazy.


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The morning is lovely. The kids play and spend a surprising amount of time lounging with books. I loved reading as a kid, so I love seeing their love for books (even though they aren’t reading yet). It’s a love for reading I want for them.


Stefan and I work on a couple little projects we have. I’m trying to write more, hoping the more I write the more it will improve. It’s worth a shot.


We have a light lunch at home, which is a relief. We are spending so much money eating out, and it’s rarely healthy enough. I recommend always eating at least one meal, lunch or dinner, at home even when on vacation. The calories and money get out of control otherwise.


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I love this apartment. It’s open and bright. The large island acts as the kitchen table and is the center of activity. I like that oa lot. I haven’t sat on the couch once! And there’s a sweet little chair Oly and Stefan find themselves in time and again. I think we’ll need one for our NY apartment. I really think a space influences behavior, and I’m liking the energy of this place.


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But alas we can’t spend all the day at home. We read about a good beach and head there. The kids are ecstatic. There are closer beaches, but this one is supposed to be very nice and not as touristy. It’s a 30 minute drive. The walk from the car to the beach is actually very long. Through the parking lot and then a massive packed sandy space where someone is windsurfing on his skateboard. Oly is impressed. I’m sure he wishes he could do that. It probably won’t be long.


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The beach is covered with people! It really feels like summer. I am fairly surprised to see so many topless women. I guess I should expect it, but I hadn’t thought about it until I see all these boobs everywhere. I love that my kids don’t even notice. They are open to everything. We set down our blanket near the water where another family is leaving. Lillian immediately asks if she can go play. I make her change into her swimsuit, put on sunscreen and put on her hat. The whole time her body is shaking with excitement. As I say “okay,” she is already running away into the water. This girl belongs at the beach.

//Stefan Note: I love that the kids love the beach and could spend all day there.  I am just ready to go in 10 to 15 minutes.  There is so much sand and sun and people and its time to go.  We stayed a long while though this time.  The kids really love it.


first sand drawing
trying to protect her heart from the incoming tide
we got a little dirty



Oly is much more hesitant, but he eventually agrees to put on his swimsuit. I’m shocked when he finally walks into the water with Stefan. It’s very shallow for a long way out, which is so fantastic for the kids. We hunt seashells together and have a lot of fun!


We are so sandy and gross, and there is no place to rinse off. It’s pretty gross to get in the car like this. Rental car!


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We all take a shower when we get home and get ready to go out for dinner. Not a lot is open on a Monday night, but we find a sushi place with good reviews. Oly runs the whole way there. He explains it’s easy because he is wearing his fast shoes. The sushi isn’t awesome or anything, but we still enjoy a nice night out, sitting on a patio. Sushi is Lillian’s favorite, so she is in heaven. In fact, the kids eat more than we do.




We pick up some breakfast items for the morning and head home. The kids run the whole way again, this time getting me to join them. What a lovely day. Simple. Sometimes that’s the best for a vacation day; not just going, going, going.

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