Day 54: Leafy Lyon

Day 54: Leafy Lyon

We will finally go to Parc de la Tete d’Or, one of Europe’s largest urban parks, today. We can’t rent bikes with kid seats, so we plan to walk the 50 minutes each way. It’ll be worth it.


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//Stefan Note: does not approve this picture, and yes i can delete it because I have the password to the website but I will not, I doth just protest.



Much of the morning is spent eating the ridiculously large breakfast I made and wearing the colored mustaches Oly got for his birthday. My mom and I get to spend some quality time while ironing and doing laundry (you take it when you can get it). We are home so long we end up eating lunch before leaving. Stefan refuses to wear a shirt. 

//Stefan Note: or


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When we finally leave, we descend the ridiculous staircase once more and begin walking north. It’s hot outside (we realize we need to start having adventures in the morning and rest in the afternoon instead of vice versa), but we manage pretty well. Almost to the park, we find a playground. Oly is particularly excited, so we stop to play for awhile. The kids play sweetly together, going down the slide together.

//Grandpa note: it was the second playground that we passed, and Oly would not be denied.


//Grandpa note: Orange, strawberry and then lemon. All in one popsicle. Awesome.

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We walk a couple more blocks to the Parc. There’s a beautiful large gate at the entrance and many people go by on special rented bikes that seat up to 4 people. It’s all very cute.


We head to the zoo (priorities), which is free! There we see giraffes, flamingos, monkeys, crocodiles and a bear! It’s fun, except it is so hot. We stop for an ice cream halfway through our visit. It’s amazing what a break on the lawn with an ice cream can do for you.

//Grandpa note:  The park was fantastic.  Maybe the best part was Stefan pointing out that almost everyone there was playing Pokemon Go.


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Fairly certain I've seen my brother, Eric, make this exact face.
Fairly certain I’ve seen my brother, Eric, make this exact face.

//Grandpa note: My multitalented granddaughter balancing pictures on her arm.


Oly starts falling asleep on Stefan’s shoulders, so we decide it’s time to go. We find a cool little wine bar a couple blocks away where we park ourselves for an hour. The rose is delicious, and no one speaks any English. It’s perfect.


//Grandpa note: This is a great picture of Notre Dame looking down on the city.

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The walk home is beautiful. We walk past a few nice squares with fountains and statues. The river and the city are picturesque with the light reflecting the way it does at this time.


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We stop for pizzas again tonight. Same place. They were that good. Only this time we take them home to enjoy on our awesome patio. Wonderful last night in Lyon.

  • Elisha says:

    I love your blog! I started following late, so how long are your parents with you? I am absolutely living vicariously through you! Love this!

    • Kimberly says:

      My parents are with us for 3 weeks of the trip, through Tuscany. It’s really nice having them with us, especially for the kids who I think are getting sick of us.

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