Day 69: Lazy Chianti

Day 69: Lazy Chianti

We have no particular plan today. And we never really make one. 




Everyone takes it easy this morning. We have internet for the first time for a week, so everyone is reading their ipads and getting caught up. It’s perfect leisure. The kids play outside, even by themselves which is a huge change since Cologne, when they wouldn’t go in the backyard without us there with them. I think this shows increased independence. They play ice cream shop and their favorite, doggy and mommy. Oly walks on all fours as the dog, but he wears shoes on all four limbs.

//Grandpa notes> We have some internet, but not much.

As we are cleaning up after breakfast, Oly comes into the house (naked from playing in the pool outside) and announces that we need to come and clean up his poop. He is so matter-of-fact and maybe a little proud of himself. He says he pooped next to a tree (the one we eat by) . Lillian is thrilled because this is perfect doggie behavior! This kid needs to start going in the potty soon.


Grandpa eating an ice cream with whipped cream on top, made by Lilian with her new toy.

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We start to make lunch. Stefan bakes a pork loin we bought at the store several days ago, and I make an arugula salad. While we wait for the pork, everyone sits outside. The kids play in the little kiddie pool while we adults sip rose we brought from Provence. It’s all so relaxing and lovely.


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The food turns out great, and I’m so happy we stayed home for lunch.

//Grandpa notes> Lillian and Olaf find more balloons and want me to fill them with water.  I say okay as long as they throw them at Grandma, Papa and Mama.  Well the party poopers object so I don’t fill the balloons.  Then sneaky Papa fills balloons to throw at Grandpa.  Luckily Grandpa catches one and is able to bust it on sneaky Papa.


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I’m thinking we will take a walk now and maybe even check out the winery just up the street, but my mom and Stefan head into the house for a nap. Well I guess I’ll just get more time for myself today!




The kids work in their notebooks my mom brought. I’m very impressed with Lilian’s math skills but more so in her love of learning. I really hope that translates to the classroom. Oly tries to work on his, but he can’t sit still nearly as long. No surprise there. When I try to put them down for a nap, they seem interested, but then Oly refuses to stay in bed. Oh well.




So we are spending the whole day at home now. I think everyone loves it except me and my dad, who would much prefer getting out and doing something. At least one thing.

//Grandpa notes> I did finally take a nap, but mostly from boredom.

Lillian really wants to have dinner at the pizza place that had a table of antipasti again tonight. Stefan and I were contemplating a date, but she insists we must all go eat here again. If we must, we can sit at another table, she says. So cute. So of course we are going to dinner at the pizza place.


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We are seated outside again at Il Fondaccio Dai Dottori, and it’s the most perfect weather we’ve had. The appetizer table abounds, and Lillian is happy to see a few new things. Oly falls asleep on the way and then naps on Stefan during much of our meal. We don’t want to wake him, but we have to eventually. And then he’s super cranky. It’s so sad. He’s so tired and hungry that he can’t calm down and eat. Eventually he does and eats a ton. Lillian can’t eat one piece of pizza because she ate two whole plates of appetizers.

//Grandpa notes> Once again we over ordered and took a pizza home with us.

It’s our last night with my parents, and it seems surreal. My mom and I sit up late talking. I’m really going to miss them.

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