Day 75: Oly’s Fast Birthday

Day 75:  Oly’s Fast Birthday

Today is a travel day; we are going to Venice. But it’s also Oly’s birthday, so we’ll try to make is special in every way we can.


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As soon as I hear Oly waking (this is a very small apartment), I wake Stefan and rush to the kitchen. We put the cookie we bought yesterday on a plate and set a lit candle i the center. Then we walk up the spiral staircase to their dark loft singing Happy Birthday in Swedish. Swedish tradition is to celebrate your birthday with  special breakfast. Stefan grew up that way, and we want to keep that tradition. Oly is being very silly, saying the light is too bright. He’s giddy it’s his birthday.


After blowing out his candle, he sits in my lap to eat his special cookie. My sweet boy is 3.


Stefan goes for a run today, up through the beginning of the longest track of porticoes in the world.


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In the meantime the kids and I walk Oliver around the block. In super hero capes and masks. Because why not. It’s my boy’s birthday. We stop at a store and buy balloons to blow up in the car.


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When Stefan gets home, it’s a mad dash to pack up and load the car. We buy some sandwiches for the road, so we don’t have to worry about lunch. We don’t drive toward Venice, though. We head west toward Modena. We want to take Oly to the Ferrari Museum for his birthday.


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The Ferrari Museum is 13 Euros/adult and consists of room after room of Ferraris. Oly is fairly obsessed with fast cars right now, so he loves running around each room admiring cars. I was disappointed they take every advantage by charging a large sum (I think around 20 Euros) for a picture in a Ferrari and then at the end of the tour you can pay another large sum to drive in a simulated race (like a fancy arcade game). For the price, I think a photo op and one ride in a simulator should be included. We are cheap and don’t shell out for the extras.




Oly has an amazing time and insists on picking out a birthday present in the gift shop. He selects a batter-operated race car; perfect.




Lillian is super jealous because we gave him a present and she hasn’t been able to give him her presents yet. We let her give him presents in the parking lot. Two balls, a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal and a Cars t-shirt. He’s so happy and gives Lilian a huge hug. It’s sweet to see their love.


Back in the car, we drive the three hours to Venice. Stefan is starting to feel sick–a head cold. He can’t wait to get to the next house and rest. Unfortunately, it won’t be easy.




There are a few different places to park when visiting Venice. We choose the Tronchetto garage. We repack so we only have a few things to carry into the city, but it’s still too much.




Weighed down, we walk to the People Mover. It’s like an airport terminal-to-terminal train. In only two stops we are at P.Roma, a major entrypoint for the city. It’s a little hectic to walk across the square and figure out where to buy boat tickets.




The ferryboats here (called vaporettos) are the main form of public transportation. We get on the 5.1 (our host told us which one). It’s crowded and hot. It doesn’t help that we are carrying luggage and babies. Ugh. I feel drops landing on my leg and realize it’s sweat dripping off of Stefan at a remarkable pace.


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It seems like a very long time before we get to the S.Elena stop. The trees are a warm welcome. And we can see a nice playground from here. We walk less than 10 minutes to the apartment. This Airbnb is more space than I imagined in Venice, but the host is extremely rude. His attitude is not a great introduction to the city.


We drop our stuff and go for a walk down the street, in search of small groceries and things I think should already be provided at the Airbnb, like trash bags, hand soap, laundry detergent and paper towels. We also get mosquito spray because we’re already under attack.




We plan to make the lasagna that I bought and couldn’t bake in Bologna. When I turn the oven on, I hear a noise like it’s working, but I can’t feel if it’s heating up. Then I realize there’s a strong smell of gas. I turn it off and contact the host. His response is snarky and not helpful. He doesn’t seem even slightly concerned. Then I call my mother. Obviously that should have been my first call. She calmly explains how to light the gas in the oven (something I’ve actually never done).

The lasagna is amazing!


Stefan doesn’t even eat dinner. He’s feeling really sick and goes to bed early. I really hope he feels up for exploring Venice with us tomorrow, but it’s not looking good.


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