Day 94: Small Zadar

Day 94: Small Zadar

We hope to see all of old town Zadar today. We are staying right in the center of it, so it should be a relaxed day of exploring the waterfront and seeing any churches and museums in the area.


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We all slept really well on the comfy beds. Good start to the day. We don’t have any breakfast foods, so we dress quickly and head out for coffee. This turns into an exploratory mission for the best place. Unfortunately, most coffee places don’t serve food, so we end up buying pastries at a shop and taking them to a coffee place.




Even though I’m unhappy it took us 40 minutes to find a place for coffee, we all have a great time at breakfast. This little street is so sweet.


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We spend much of the morning at home after our coffee outing and don’t actually leave to start the day until it’s time for lunch.


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One of the best places on TripAdvisor is just downstairs, La Bruschetta.  It’s a beautiful setting, but the food is on the gross rich side. I’m determined more than ever to run today.


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We start our city adventure by walking down the waterfront. There’s a playground only a few minutes away! Lillian loves it, but Oly is super cranky from the moment he woke up from his nap. We promise to return and spend more time when everyone is happy.


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We walk a few more minutes to the sea organ, a set of steps at the waterfront that makes music as water pushes air through pipes underneath. It’s pretty interesting, but again the kids (mostly Oly) aren’t too into it. We walk on past the Sun Salutation, a glass mosaic on the ground that lights up at night, and a cruise ship. The waterfront winds around and gives us a nice view of several ships and the footpath connecting this small peninsula to the mainland (and where I imagine most people live).




We hoped to visit a glass museum over here that apparently has real glassblowers working, but Oly is the most cranky we’ve seen him in a very long time. He complained of the wind on the walk by the water. Everything in his world is wrong.


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We stop and get some corn on the cob and realize the day isn’t getting better. We should just go home. Now for some gross disclosures (sorry in advance): Oly has some digestion issues and it seems to be getting bad again. He hasn’t pooped in a week and a half, and we’re starting to get worried. We think he’s in such a bad mood because his body hurts and he needs to poop. We get a suppository from a pharmacy and go home. Lilian is such a helpful sister and speaks calmly to Oly as we give him the medicine. We let them watch a movie so they’ll sit still and Oly will be distracted for a bit.


Then we wait. We don’t want to leave the house because we think (and really hope) something is going to happen.




Stefan and I get some work done, and then I finally go for a run. I run 4 miles around the peninsula, and it’s so perfect.
I get home and shower just in time to leave for our date. Our Airbnb host is babysitting, and the kids are super happy to be entertaining someone else. Oly is singing every song he knows as I get ready to leave.


I wasn’t sure we even needed this date, but as soon as we are walking down the street hand in hand, I know this was the right choice. It’s so different to be out without the kids.




We walk past a church surrounded by ruins. Everything is little beautitful here at night. As I start to discuss which place we choose for dinner, Stefan says he has a place. Wow, Stefan! It’s super rare for him to plan anything, so I am super impressed when he makes such effort.


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We eat at a beautiful restaurant near the water’s edge. It’s fancy, but the prices don’t really reflect that! We eat some great dishes and enjoy a night of adult conversation. Really a perfect date night.

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