Day 105: Walkable Brno

Day 105: Walkable Brno

I am sick today. I think if I get out and walk around some, I’ll start feeling better. We’ll see.


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This morning we discover an elevator across the street from our apartment that takes us four stories up the hill! The kids are super impressed with this fancy public elevator. We walk directly into town and find a cool spot to sit for coffee, Momenta Cafe. The menu even says they have eggs and oatmeal! Wow that sounds so nice. When we try to order, the server says breakfast is only served until 11. What time is it?! Apparently we took our time this morning, and it’s ten after. Boo. Luckily they have a yummy quiche and the kids gobble up a ham and cheese sandwich. The coffee here is fantastic too.


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Lillian is very excited to help us find one of the main attractions on the map, a church where the mason who made the facade twisted one of the spires because he didn’t get paid.




As we walk through town Lillian insists we go in H&M to search for a sweater like mine. It turns into a great shopping trip. Stefan finally gets some new shirts (old ones need to be burned), and Oly picks out two cool shirts, black pants, and a fleece jacket.


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We arrive in one square just as a bike race is about to begin. We wait for the gunshot start and cheer on the racers. It’s not the Tour de France, but it’s fun.


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We find a museum with a permanent collection that is free and the temporary exhibit is only a small fee. The permanent collection is religious art from the past several centuries. It’s impressive. We are the only ones in there, and the docents follow us room to room. I understand it’s their job, but it makes me feel weird.


A funny tip: when you stand beneath the iron horse in front of the museum and look toward the head, it looks like a giant penis. The kids got a real kick out of that, as you can imagine.


We go home around 3pm as I’m just feeling worse. I rest for a couple hours,and we let the kids watch a movie. They are obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.


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I’m not feeling better, but we go out to dinner anyway. Stefan finds Borgo Agnese, a really cool place just down our street. Again, this place is super fancy, but the prices are completely reasonable. The food is really good: duck breast and steak. The kids love their pasta. It’s such a bummer I don’t feel well. I just can’t eat. But I love that we’re out and spending time together. I can’t have them in that apartment all day. Poor Oly didn’t nap, so he falls asleep in his chair! Time to go.  

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