Day 108: Hipster Dresden

Day 108: Hipster Dresden

It’s chilly this morning, and Stefan and I both wake with a little head cold. Hopefully it’s just the shift in the weather.


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We enjoy a relaxing morning in the new apartment. The kids play mommy and daddy for at least an hour.


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I work a lot today, so Stefan takes the kids to the playground up the street. They have a lot of fun running all around and getting out their energy. They pick up hamburgers and french fries at a food truck in the park, and the guy there gives them a blanket for a picnic. So nice! They have a ton of fun.


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I meet them on the block and we stop at a beer shop to try some local brews. The weather is perfect today. Overcast, but really nice. The kids fill me in on everything I missed.


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We walk through the neighborhood, which seems to be very cool. My impression is this is definitely somewhere I’d love to live. There’s a passageway less than a block from our apartment that goes through many layers of buildings. There are shops and cafes back there. And some of the buildings have quirky art on them, like the blue building with water flowing down through horns. It’s mesmerizing. We grab a coffee and let the kids play here for ten minutes before venturing on. 


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As we near the city center, it’s incredible to see these gorgeous gothic buildings rising up on the other side of the river. We have no idea where to go, but one of the first buildings we pass is a museum. Let’s check it out!


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The Albertinum is a fantastic art museum. We walk into what looks like an old building to find a huge open space made of white stone and glass. Lillian is stoked they have audioguides. We walk through every single room, and it’s a very impressive museum. I’m shocked there aren’t more people here! Lilian makes it very clear she is not to be rushed. “You can go ahead!” she says to me. So we take our time. This is what we’re here for. I love that she loves art.


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After the museum, we want to go into the church, but Oly is tired and Lillian is hungry and complaining her feet hurt. They just want a snack, so we find a spot on the square. Most are super touristy, and Stefan gets “bad vibes,” but we find a German place that looks cool. We order beers and some sausages. The server is excited to have us try one of their most common snacks here. She says they eat these for breakfast, lunch and even late-night snack. The kids gobble them up in no time.


When we walk back to the church, it’s closed for a service. Bummer.


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We decide to just meander back to our neighborhood and search for some dinner. We stop at a market for fruit along the way. And we finally find oatmeal again! It’s been months since we’ve had oatmeal for breakfast. It’s a small thing, but we are very excited. 


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On our way we discover Katy’s Garage. It’s an amazing beer garden with a small table with coloring books for kids! I’m impressed how well it captivates the kids. Stefan and I enjoy the best pilsner I’ve had in Germany. I wish this place existed everywhere. It’s awesome.   


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We walk up the street to Planwirtschaft for dinner. Despite being beneath a hostel. It’s a beautiful, homey setting with guests of all ages. I’m super impressed to find a nice diaper changing area outside the bathrooms. The food is really good too. Sausages, schnitzel and lamb chop. Our server is very nice too. So happy we found this place. 

We walk through the passageway we found earlier. This time water is running down the blue horns. It’s dark and quiet. This neighborhood is so cool.

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