Day 15: Reliable Paris

Day 15: Reliable Paris

Oly woke up really tired today. He crawled into our bed and fell back asleep for an hour. I like it; he’s so warm and snuggly. We decided to spend the day down near Centre Pompidou and La Marais.


Morning French cartoons
Morning French cartoons


Lillian, the travel agent
Lillian, the travel agent



We took the subway down to the Louvre stop. After the initial anxiety of not knowing what we’re doing, riding the subway is an interesting way to experience a new city. We got to chat with a nice gentleman who enjoyed practicing his English.




We got out at the Louvre, which is a funny reminder that you are in one of the most touristic cities in the world. We walked over toward a Japanese restaurant Stefan found. It had a line out the door, but a great looking Korean place was just down the block. Bistrot Mee is one of those places you just can’t believe you stumbled upon. The food was incredible, and their lunch special is one appetizer and one entree for just 15 Euros. What a treat. And it was refreshing to eat something different from German and French food at this point in the trip. The kids loved it too. I can’t get over what good eaters they are.


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Next we walked over to the Centre Pompidou. Unfortunately it wasn’t the most pleasant walk because it was raining steadily. We stayed in this area the last time we were in Paris, so we enjoyed some familiarity with it. The Centre Pompidou is a fun place to take the kids. It’s full of amazing art and always has an interesting exhibit geared toward young kids. We went directly to the kids area, where Lillian and Oly got to create their own art. They decorated these papers and then took photos in front of them. This art was later projected onto the buildings of a model city to resemble the work of JR. The kids had a great time with it. They also had a project where you completed the graffiti work with a sticker. Our kids were captivated by this activity, as they are obsessed with stickers.




We walked through one gallery, but then Lillian and I left to spend some girl time. Stefan and Oly stayed and explored all of the galleries. They had a fantastic time, but Oly got really tired. He fell asleep in Stefan’s arms, and then Stefan had to just put him down on a bench in a gallery. He slept there for 20 minutes! So sweet when he gets completely tuckered out and doesn’t care where he naps.


//Stefan Note: I liked the trash can because it was from Stockholm, the Art itself was too deep for me.


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Lillian and I left the Pompidou and walked over to a gelato cafe to meet up with a friend of mine who was in town for the day. What a treat to see Rebecca and her new little boy! We haven’t seen any friends in 2 weeks; it was delightful to just sit and chat for awhile. I wish they were staying in town longer, but at least we got to catch up a tiny bit while they were here.


Before meeting back up with the boys, I got to do a bit of shopping! I packed only one pair of jeans, expecting warmer temperatures, but we’ve had mostly rain and chilly weather. To top it off my jeans broke at the zipper. Such a bummer. So Lillian and I found a great department store in La Marais and quickly picked out a few things. She’s fun to shop with when she’s into it (and you’re quick about trying on and deciding). I’m really excited to have a couple new wardrobe options.


We hustled back to the apartment to get ready for our date night.


Our Airbnb host helped us find the most fantastic French babysitter, Lisa. She and the kids hit it off immediately and made it easy to leave them for a night out. At my request, she picked up groceries to make dinner. When we got home, we learned she’d made crepes for the kids. I was impressed, but she just said, “Of course! I’m French!” She even left some for the kids to have for breakfast. Amazing. If you’re going to Paris with kids, I’ll give you her contact information.



This dessert was a bit ridiculous. Two of the rocks are edible, like macarons. And we are supposed to dig for our truffles. Really?
This was a bit ridiculous. Two of the rocks are edible, like macarons. And we are supposed to dig for our truffles. Really?


While our kids were in excellent hands, we went to dinner downtown at David Toutain. It’s a mystery degustation, which is our absolute favorite way to dine. We started with champagne and three amuse bouches which were strange and lovely. Then seven courses timed perfectly and paired with incredible wines, cider and even sake. This meal was perfection. If you can, go. Be sure to book a table in advance.
We walked through the city for an hour after dinner. Paris is so enchanting at night! This day gave us everything we’ve come to expect of Paris: art, incredible food and wine and an ambience you can’t find anywhere else.

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