Day 19: Local Paris

Day 19: Local Paris

Finally we stay close to home today. It’s perfect weather, so we hope to spend some of the day outside.


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We relax at home a bit to recover from the intensity of yesterday. The kids play in their adopted room. Then Stefan does a project with them where they paint and build a racing car (I bought it at TGR, one of my favorite stores for kids’ goodies). I even got to take a bath and listen to one of my beloved podcasts!



//Stefan Notes: Stefan is still sore

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Oh. And there was a Street Fighter game. Stefan had to play. Lillian beat him fair and square, and he was not happy about it.
Oh. And there was a Street Fighter game. Stefan had to play. Lillian beat him fair and square, and he was not happy about it. They had to become “teammates” so he could continue playing.

//Stefan Note: I always gave my quarters to Kaj at the donut place in Pedro when we played street fighter.

We return our bicycles and go for a walk. Our Airbnb host recommended a place to eat in the park that has a nice terrace for kids. We head there for lunch. It was perfect. The kids have chicken and a salad made up of fruit and prawns. They are supremely happy; you’d have thought we said they could eat ice cream for lunch..


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Driving their cars around the museum.
Driving their cars around the museum.
Oly trying to land a solar airplane.
Oly trying to land a solar airplane.
Stefan and Lillian backseat driving while Oly lands the solar airplane.
Stefan and Lillian backseat driving while Oly lands the solar airplane.

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Waiting for the rocket to fly.
Waiting for the rocket to fly.


We finally visit the museum across the street from us, the Museum of Sciences. Their fee structure is a little complicated; you pay for each childrens’ exhibits separately from the usual exhibits. This is disappointing. We decide to visit the usual exhibits, created for older kids. There is one on sound and another on a solar airplane. It doesn’t really matter. The kids can run and discover lots of new things, fairly uninhibited. It isn’t crowded, so we feel like we have the run of the place. It is a lot of fun.


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The walk home was beautiful. I couldn’t help myself from taking a couple shots of these two. Our apartment is in the background of this last one.


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All played out. Time to go home.
All played out. Time to go home.
Our fearless defender.
Our fearless defender.



We decide to have a picnic in the park for dinner, so we head to the grocery store for provisions. After an hour of rest time at the apartment, we go to the park. The kids kick the ball and try to throw to each other. We have Rosé, ham, cheese and a fresh baguette. It is peaceful and nice.




Perhaps today we finally strike the right balance between being tourists and just enjoying family time.

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