Day 21: Classic Loire Valley

Day 21: Classic Loire Valley

We wake up at a decent hour (8am) and get ready to explore Loire Valley. After the research we did last night, and the suggestions of friends, we feel a bit of pressure to get out and see the sights.

//Stefan Note: Pressure?




First stop is to pick up picnic supplies. We are excited to have a light picnic lunch at the chateau. We then drive to Chenonceau, one of the chateaus regularly ranked the best of Loire Valley. 


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The walk up to the chateau is stunning with tall trees lining both sides of the walkway. Stefan notes he would like such an entrance to his house. How that works with his desire to live in Manhattan, I don’t know. Let the man dream.

//Stefan Note: One day


The kids loved these "egg" bushes.

The kids love these “egg” bushes.
“What’s the password?” It’s usually “family is the best”, “snuggles and kisses”, or “i love you”. These kids are unbelievable.


They love counting all the fish.
They love counting all the fish.


There are unbelievable gardens on each side of the chateau. We walk around to let the kids burn off some energy. We don’t want another Versailles on our hands. When it comes to exploring inside the chateau, Oly is too energized and uninterested. I walk around the gardens more with him while Lillian and Stefan check it out. Then Stefan takes both kids and lets me look around by myself. I feel the calm others might when they explore such sights without children.


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Wow. This place is gorgeous. It’s built across the river, which makes views of the castle spectacular. But the inside furnishings are interesting as well. The hold so much history. It makes me wish I knew more about European history. Or just history in general. Never my strong suit.

//Stefan Note: Favorite part was the kitchens.  7 rooms on the bottom floor with all the original cooking stuff.  Had the butcher room and fish room and vegetable room.




The kids play by a duck pond until I meet up with them. Then we go over to taste the chateau’s wine. Unfortunately there was massive flooding in France a couple weeks ago, and the cellar is closed. Instead they are pouring wine in the sun-filled garden. It’s very nice. One of the wines makes me think of my mom, so I buy a bottle to share with her when she joins us next month. Hope it makes it until then!


//Stefan Note: We met some cape towner’s and I told them about our plan to move to Cape town.  They were just as interested as Cliff and Fi pretend to be when I tell them.


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We pick up our picnic supplies from the car and eat lunch at picnic tables across from the grounds. We are a little disappointed they didn’t allow proper picnics (with our blanket on a large lawn), but it works.




We head back to the house for some R&R. It works out super well. The kids get to play, Stefan watches France and we figure out dinner.




We decide to go into the nearest town, Amboise. Amboise is also a wonderful Loire Valley town with a chateau. We plan to explore that another day. For now, just a nice dinner, hopefully on a patio. We park and walk down charming cobblestoned streets. There are many pedestrianized blocks. We arrive at the restaurant we had found, and it turns out everything is closed on Sundays. Hmmm…we walk around and find a few touristy places by the castle open. It takes awhile for us to commit, but we finally select a creperie, Les 4 Saisons. Aside from the meal the babysitter prepared, we haven’t had crepes in France yet. This place is incredible. We feel so fortunate to have found it. I highly recommend it. We shared a salad and two crepes, one with three types of cheese and the other with ham and other deliciousness. Wow.

//Stefan Note: too many tourists




Lillian falls in love with salad at this meal, largely thanks to the spray balsamic vinegar. I just love seeing her eat some vegetables, not always an easy thing. For dessert we have crepes, of course! Oly makes it very clear that his should have nothing but whipped cream. Lillian has nutella. Stefan and I share some fancy one with chestnuts. The perfect ending to a perfect meal.


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