Day 48: Tipsy Provence

Day 48: Tipsy Provence

We’re going wine tasting today!


Oly wakes me most mornings.
Lillian gets up and makes her bed right away.

We start the day with the croissants we bought yesterday. Lillian had forgotten about them, so it was a happy surprise. It’s supposed to rain, but mostly it just lightly drizzles on and off. Not too bad. I love days like this–for something different, the heaviness in the air and the relief from the heat.

The kids get some Speakaboos time on Stefan’s iPad. Stefan and I research some wineries in the area.



//Stefan Note: Olaf’s dream day is to never be in the car.



Back in the car. Some people enjoy it more than others.


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Our first stop is Chateau La Coste. At first we thought we’d have lunch at their beautiful restaurant there, but the winery tour in English is at 1pm. We’d rather do that, so we pick up sandwiches as a bakery on the way. We drive through a lot of vines, but also forest. It’s beautiful as we wind our way up into the hills.


This place is impressive. There are huge art pieces set out around the property, which also has a restaurant and art gallery.



//Stefan Note: they specialize in huge box wine here.


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The wine tour is interesting. They are using state-of-the-art technology to make and bottle the wine. The building itself requires no air conditioning, even in the year-round sun because of its dome shape and two layers of material. The kids are quite attentive until the end when Oly needs Stefan’s constant attention. I count that as a win.


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//Stefan Note: I put the kids outside with ipads.  But then it started raining so they went inside.



The tour ends back in the tasting room, where our guide pours us 9 different wines. Whoa! 3 roses, 3 whites and 3 reds. I think the cheapest rose is the best one. We meet some new friends from England while tasting, and the kids end up playing with their iPads. We try to limit their time on the iPads, but they are indispensable to this trip.


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It’s 3pm when we are done with the tour and tasting, and we decide to go to the restaurant, surprisingly still open, instead of another winery. We sit on the patio overlooking a fountain. Even with the less-than-perfect weather, it is beautiful. The food is good, and the cafe gourmand is the best ever!


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We walk around the lovely property for a while after lunch, letting the kids run around and get out some energy.


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On our way home, just down the road, we pass a building that looks like a wine shop. Stefan has a gut feeling we should stop. Today it’s hosting a truffle festival! It’s usually held over the parking lot, but because of the weather, it’s in the back of the warehouse. We walk around the building and find many local vendors and a disco light shining to Abba music. So cute! As Stefan found when he tried to buy a truffle brie sandwich from two ladies, these people are here to have a good time, not necessarily to make money. We buy some jamon and a super fat steak from the local butcher and a watermelon the kids pick.



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After we get home, the kids eat watermelon outside of the kitchen, reminding me of my own childhood summers.




Stefan cooks the steak to perfection, and we enjoy a relaxing dinner in our cave-like dining room. 

//Stefan Note: Yes I done did.


1 Comment
  • Christer says:

    I’m still reading and enjoying. The kid pictures looked even better on this one. That’s some Airbnb. It looks like a store front.

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