Day 88: Travel to Dubrovnik

Day 88: Travel to Dubrovnik

We say goodbye to Split and drive the 3 hours to Dubrovnik today. But first I have to get a lot of work done this morning, so we plan to hang out here until the afternoon. So the only real plan is to reach Dubrovnik in time to walk around and find a cool place for dinner.




Stefan takes care of making breakfast and getting the kids ready this morning, so I can focus on working. It’s really nice. We spend most of the day gathered around the large table in the kitchen. The kids do different craft projects while Stefan and I work on our laptops. I love the bench around two sides of this kitchen table. Inspiring me for a space we may have one day.




Around 2pm, we finally pack everything up and get it loaded into the car.


I realize what champs these kids are becoming at traveling in the car. Lillian informs me that she has some activities planned for Oly while we listen to our podcasts. Wow, thanks Lillian. So we do just that. We listen to some Fresh Air with the creator of Difficult People, a show Stefan loves, and Mystery Show, The Belt Buckle, a favorite episode of mine that I want to share with Stefan. I don’t think he loves Starlee Kine quite as much as I do, but he appreciates it.


Beautiful Croatian scenery.
Entering Bosnia
Bosnia is gorgeous.
Re-entering Croatia.

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About halfway through the drive, the freeway changes into a two-lane road that reminds me of PCH in California. Winding along the cliff, overlooking gorgeous water. We actually drive through Bosnia for about 20 minutes, too! It looks like Croatia: stunning.


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We drive into Dubrovnik and discovery our apartment is on a crazy busy road with narrow sidewalks. Luckily Stefan finds a place to park down the street, and we just walk up to the apartment with our bags (and extremely slow 3 year old). He hates being rushed too, so he’s crying the whole way up.


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This Airbnb is amazing. We have our own entrance from the street and go up a flight of stairs to the apartment. It’s two large bedrooms off of a small kitchen and dining space. But our bedroom has a couch and living room setup. It’s not big, but it’s perfect. I hope we can find a unique space that’s small yet great in New York.


Stefan parks the car while I unpack things. The kids play so well here. Oly is super excited about the portable crib (“baby bed”) setup for him. He hasn’t slept in one of these or any other crib setup in over 3 months. It’s funny that he’s so excited. He lays in there for almost an hour while Lillian draws at her desk. These peaceful moments are amazing.


Stefan returns from parking the car (for over $40/day!!). We have to find another spot. This is madness!

//Stefan: worst part of Dubrovnik and makes me not like dubrov’s is that you cannot park anywhere but a $40 a day spot

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We walk the ten minutes down to the old town. It’s a lot like Diocletian’s Palace in Split. And we definitely feel like we’ve stepped into another world.

We hurry to our reservation at Bota Oyster and Sushi Bar. We’re late of course. I hear, “Kimberly” and turn to find a nice family we met on the beach in Split! What fun! Unfortunately we have to run off to our restaurant, but I love chance meetings like that.



//Stefan note: what? What?



At the restaurant we receive a full, “I’m not mad, just disappointed” lecture from the hostess before being seated. We have the best seat in the house overlooking the cathedral on a square. We can hear the musicians playing classical music below. It’s exquisite.


We get lots and lots of sushi, Lillian’s favorite food. We’re pleased to see Oly down several rolls himself. I want sushi night to be something both kids enjoy. Our server keeps making jokes and tells us about his “secret recipe” for pizza dough that doesn’t seem very secret now. It’s a great introduction to Dubrovnik.


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On the way back home, we run into our lovely friends again! After a nice chat, we find a (just okay) ice cream place to get the kids dessert.
Our apartment is so close to the old town gate, but it’s so much longer with the kids on that narrow sidewalk. Stefan and I each take a kid and hug the buildings to get home. We talk about tomorrow, and I really look forward to having a nice relaxed day exploring everything within walking distance.

  • Julie Clements says:

    I relish reading about your journey poolside on the weekends. I am impressed by Lillian’s maturity and her creativity in devising ways to keep Oly entertained during car rides. If someone else yells Kimberly in Croatia this week, it may be Jacquelyn Clements. She arrived in Dubrovnik a few days ago and will be traveling throughout Croatia, Slovenia, and Yugoslavia for multiple wewks.

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