Day 116: Ferries to Sweden

Day 116: Ferries to Sweden

A huge piece of our huge adventure comes to an end today. We are returning to Arild,Sweden, the first place we’ll be for the second time on this trip. Stefan’s parents have a summer house there, and we go every summer. It feels like the end of our trip even though we won’t be flying to New York for another week.

//Stefan note::((


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I work a lot this morning while the kids and Stefan do the bulk of the packing. We load up the car for the last time and head out at noon.



//Stefan note: Beer deal on the boat!

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We drive to the coast, two and a half hours north, then board the ferry boat to Denmark. The kids are really excited to take a boat, and we’re happy it breaks up the trip.

On the ferry boat, the kids play in the cute little play area while Stefan and I look out at the ocean. It’s a very pleasant journey except the boat rocks too much for my sensitive equilibrium. I hold it together, but there are some touch and go moments. When Stefan goes to buy some candy for the kids, he spots a group of retirees hovering around the wine samples. They may have been there the entire ride, and who can blame them.


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Back in the car, Oly takes a short nap while we drive across Denmark to Helsingor, where another ferry will take us to Helsingborg, Sweden. This is the ferry we take every time we fly into Copenhagen to visit Arild. Stefan has been taking this ferry every summer for most of his life. We have to wait 15 minutes, so we get out of the car and admire the sunset.


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As we board and go upstairs, everything feels super familiar. We’ve taken this ride so many times. The kids and Stefan down a few red hot dogs with ketchup and crispy onions. It’s a ferry boat tradition for us. The ride is over in 20 minutes, and we are in Sweden!




We can’t believe how easy this travel day has been. Within 30 minutes, we are pulling up to the summer house in Arild. It feels a bit like “aahh, home again” even though we never lived here and we’ll be here only a week this time. It’s familiar and home for now. Stefan’s parents greet us in the driveway.




We get to visit with Stefan’s parents as well as his sister and her husband (Eric and Malin). Their kid are asleep, so we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see them. But we have a nice time sitting around the dining room table catching up for the first time in at least 5 months.
The kids are sleeping in their grandparents’ room, on the couch and the floor. We tuck them in and head next door to our bed. A neighbor and very good friend offered for us to sleep in their house while they are away. It’s pitch black as we walk there around 10pm. This is so strange because I never really see it like this. It stays light until very late at night here in the summer, when we’re usually here. It’s quiet and dark, and we fall asleep in seconds.

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