Day 117: Familiar Arild

Day 117: Familiar Arild

Our first day in Arild is perfect relaxation.




Stefan and I sleep the best we’ve slept in a very long time. It’s dark and quiet here, and the kids sleeping at his parents’ house is an additional treat. We get ready as quickly as possible and get over to the Palsson house.




There’s the usual hustle and bustle following breakfast when everyone is preparing for the day. My kids play on the floor of the living room with Lucy, their 16 month old cousin. They are in heaven.


I finally get to meet Eloise, my 3 month old neice. She’s so beautiful and tiny. She lets me hold her for 5 minutes then starts screaming like I pinched her. Mamma is still best.


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Oly wants to pick up apples from under the apple tree and place them in a small bucket. He and Lillian select a few to decorate the dining room.




We have coffee in the late morning, an important Arild tradition. Then lunch. This vacation is a lot about sitting around together and eating.


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After lunch we go for a walk across town to the playground. Malin with her two, Lucy and Eloise, and us four. It’s overcast but otherwise a really nice day. The slide is the best part of the playground and takes centerstage with the kids.


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Unfortunately after 40 minutes or so it begins to rain and we begin home. Lillian likes pushing Eloise’s stroller. She’s such a big girl, helping take care of her little cousins.


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The afternoon is relaxing as we just hang out at the house. Around 5pm we decide it’s cocktail hour, another important Arild tradition. Stefan and I are excited to share some of the wine from our trip! We open some from Bordeaux. Cleaning out the car, we realize we have more wine than we thought we did!


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Friends of the Palssons, Eva and Karl-Eric, join us for dinner. Stefan’s dad makes sausages and yummy potatoes. It’s really nice to sit at this table again. We have a really nice night, toasting one other with good wine.




Just as we are calling it a night, it begins hailing! The weather today has been so strange!




And back to our little abode to sleep. Stefan uses the phone flashlight to light the way.

1 Comment
  • Julie says:

    Congratulations!!! What a feat! Four months of non-stop travel! This is so cool! Kimberly, you must become a travel writer professionally! As for the reunion with the cousins, I was delighted to see Malin has named one of her children Lucy, and has another beautiful child by the name of Eloise. What fun to have such adorable little girl cousins. Lillian must be in heaven! Wishing you the best as you head back to the States. I credit you for exposing your children to so much culture. Great job!!! The family time you’ve had together is invaluable and really to be treasured. Well done!

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