Day 118: Tasty Arild

Day 118: Tasty Arild

Another fantastic sleep in this comfy bed and quiet house. Ahhhhh. We get over to the Palsson house earlier this morning, so we’re there to feed the kids breakfast.




When we arrive, Lillian, Oly and Lucy are in bed with their grandmother (“nana”) watching silly videos on her iPad. It’s so fun to see.


We make a nice breakfast and hang out. The kids are playing so well together, and things feel so calm.


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Stefan’s mom, Lars, leads the charge to have lunch at The Garage, an amazing hamburger place in Hoganas. It’s become a must every time we visit Arild. It’s busy, as always, but we hover over a table on the patio, which is first come first serve. It’s a long table and fits us all. We start with one of my favorite beers, Hoganas APA, and sweet potato fries. The kids get their hamburgers first while we wait for Stefan parents to join us (we took multiple cars).


Almost everyone orders the week’s burger, made with camembert cheese, chutney and other wonderful things I can’t remember. It’s incredible. Stefan’s ribs are some of the best he’s ever had. We love this place.


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Next door is the Saluhall, a fancy indoor market with many boutiques for clothing as well as food. We pick up some fruit but don’t spend too much time because it’s very busy this Saturday. We’d rather be at our calm house.


By the time we return home it’s 4pm. Almost cocktail hour!


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Oly and Lillian work together decently well to put together Oly’s new lego set. I’m really impressed with their focus on projects like this. Then Malin and Lucy start a dance party! Woohoo! Malin is amazing at stuff like this. She is a natural at playtime. I want to be more like that.
Christer prepares a dinner of beef, carrots and mashed potatoes. Nice comfort food on this chilly evening.

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