Day 119: Celebratory Arild

Day 119: Celebratory Arild

We are definitely on vacation here. I’m surprised by how little we do but how much fun we have. The kids love spending time with family, and it’s even more fun now that they have a cousin to play with.




We do almost nothing today. Or at least I do. The kids to go the grocery store and run a few other errands with Stefan and his mamma. They have a really great time, and I enjoy the stillness in the house while Malin’s two sleep and mine are away. It’s strange to remember this stillness while the kids nap. Mine haven’t both napped in a very long time. It affords me a nice amount of time to write.


They return with decorations for Nisse’s birthday dinner tonight. Nisse is a very close friend of the Palssons, and he turns 75 today. Lillian is so excited to get everything ready. The entire afternoon is one big countdown.


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We go for an amazing walk through town, down to the harbor where boats are being cleaned and winterized, then back up to the main road and back to the house. We run into neighbors Eva and Karl-Eric, and they join us for much of the walk. It’s chilly down by the water and sort of sad to realize summer really is over.


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The rest of the afternoon is just hanging out and decorating for the party.


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Guests begin arriving around 6pm, and we sit around talking in the living room. This is the best of Arild. Stefan’s dad picks up Holy Smoke BBQ for dinner. It’s our favorite barbecue place outside of Texas. No joke. The beef ribs, creamed corn and sweet potatoes are delicious. I think Nisse has a great birthday.




Toward the end of the night, Kumiko arrives! She’s Malin’s closest friend. She lives in Tokyo but is traveling for a couple months between jobs. Perfect timing! Everyone is super happy today, and the general feeling in the air is celebratory. 

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