Day 120: Arild

Day 120: Arild

Another day of awesome family time.


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Lillian is super attached to Kumiko. She doesn’t want to leave her side. And I don’t blame her. Kumiko is so much fun. Lillian follows Kumiko back to her house, the bed and breakfast down the street. When she returns she triumphantly announces she told Kumiko every joke she knows!


Oly loves the spiderwebs on the fence. Spooky!



In the meantime, Stefan, Oly and I walk around the block with Malin and Eloise. It’s a beautiful, but cold, morning.


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There’s a lot of sweet hang out time at the house. Eloise finally lets me hold her for a decent amount of time. So sweet. Kumiko and Lillian pick apples and make applesauce, or apple jam. Whatever it is, it’s delicious. And super sweet due to a significant amount of sugar added. 




Christer makes a traditional Swedish dish, pyttipanna, using the sausage and beef leftover from last night’s barbecue feast. You top the mixture with a soft egg, and it’s so so good. I’ll be using this trick back in New York.

//Stefan : just don’t invite mal over if you make, she give it all to eric and we are left with 4 little potatoe pieces and the chance to lick the pan



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