Day 121: Fun Angelholm

Day 121: Fun Angelholm

Malin, Eric, Lucy and Eloise leave today. We are sad to see them go, but I’m really thankful for the time we got to have together. We’ll see them again in December.

Malin’s family leaves at 8am, and we told them we’d walk over from the house where we are sleeping to see them off. Unfortunately we wake at 7:57 and think it’s too late. Then Malin texts that they are just getting in the car. Stefan and I jump out of bed and start running the one block to the Palsson house. Stefan is wearing only boxers, and it’s freezing outside! It’s so funny! I’m happy we gave them a good laugh to start off this stressful travel day.

//Stefan note: for the pic send 7 dollars




The day begins with banana pancakes! I am so thankful for Kumiko’s constant positive attitude and never-ending suggestions for fun. Pancakes? Sure! I love it. Obviously the kids do too.


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Stefan and Christer are going to play golf today, so the rest of us set out on a little adventure. After coffee, we drive to Angelholm, a nearby town that is much larger than Arild. It has an amazing playground and lots of cool antique shops. We try to visit Angelholm each time we are at the summer house.


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By the time we reach Angelhom, we realize it’s about lunchtime, so we go to our favorite bakery for sandwiches. Nisse’s is a traditional Swedish bakery. We eat a simple lunch of cheese and salami sandwiches. I’m going to miss the simple delights of Swedish bread, butter and cheese.


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Now for the main event: Hembygdsparken! The kids get super excited as we pull into the parking lot. They love this park. It has an impressive playground area, including a mini zipline, but it also has many pens with animals, such as ponys, ducks and goats. Oly also loves the bird cages. We have to stand and identify each bird he sees.
The kids go nuts on the playground for at least an hour. They really needed this outdoor time.




Then the obligatory ice cream break!


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Before leaving, we walk around and say hi to all the animals. Oly doesn’t ever want to leave.


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One of the best antique shops is closed for another hour, but the other two are great. Oly finds a new interest in comic books! So cute! We let him pick one at each store we visit.


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We’ve been invited to Eva’s for fika (a time for coffee and cake), and it’s her husband Karl-Eric’s birthday! So fun! Eva was the first person to invite me for fika in Sweden many years ago, and I remember it so well. It is such a pleasure to be invited again. She makes coffee and tea, and we sit at the gorgeous table she’s set. We have great conversation while indulging in the yummy cake Eva made. Then we each have a slice of the princess cake from a local bakery. It’s so nice. I will miss this Swedish tradition, and I will certainly miss the excellent way Eva does it.




The sky looks amazing as we walk up the hill to the house.


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We have a simple meal that we can’t believe we have any room for in our bodies. Somehow we manage.

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